Poetry to me is like Romeo and Juliet. I don't particularly like it and I don't get it. If I had to set down and write a poem I would try to make every line rhyme like a song does sometimes. I'm clueless to how it really is because I like to read but Poetry is not my choice.
When I hear Poetry, what comes to mind is TOTAL BOREDOM! Sorry but I just don't get it. I'm hoping that after reading the assignment Poetry I will have a better understanding and not ward off the word. Every time I've had to read it in the past I always have to go and reread it because I just don't comprehend. Its like a mental block so I'm trying to clear my mind and go in open minded. Never know I may gain a lot of passion for Poetry and grow to love it. I welcome a challenge and I'm ready to jump into poetry!!!
Idk......after reading the poems that I choose I may be on to something!!! I figured they would be hard to understand and I wouldn't be able to make sense of them. Well, I'm glad that I went in open-minded because I thoroughly enjoyed the poetry section. Thanks Mrs. Watson for opening my eyes to something new:)