Sunday, April 24, 2011

My questions about Oedipus

Although I enjoyed this play and really enjoyed the twist and turns of the fate of Oedipus, I have to ask, What in the world was on the mind of Sophocles when he wrote this play??? Would this ever happen today or has it happened??? When his uncle/brother in law Creon took over as King of Thebes, what happened then? What did people think of what happened to Oedipus? What could Oedipus have done to prevent this? Why didn't he have an option? What happened to his children with Jocasta and did they have problems physically or mentally? When did Jocasta know that Oedipus was in fact her son? Is that why she killed herself or did she know all alone and did it out of guilt? What happened to Oedipus after he was exiled?


  1. Whoo, to many questions?? Alot of things were different back then, people got together to solve things in life, thought about each other and their well-being. The twist and turns keep us interested enough to read, and gives us something to think about. If more people read this type of material (kids), they would understand more about life in general.

  2. Absolutely, I agree!!! Things have definitely changed. What would life be like if we lived during this time? To say that it was by fate and we couldn't change it. Now days we are kinda unstoppable because we can pretty much do as we wish as long as it is within our means:) Kids would appreciate life more if they had relay on different ways of life. We have it too easy. Thanks for reading my blog!

  3. I too wondered if Jocasta had indeed had a suspicion that Oedipus was her son. She seemed to have caught on to that fact a lot earlier than Oedipus did. I also wonder about their poor children. I can't imagine that their lives would be anything but horrible after everyone learned the truth about their double parentage. I do believe something like this could still happen today though. It probably wouldn't be for the exact same reasons... but there are a lot of twisted people out there...

  4. Thanks Carolyn for reading my blog. Yes this is definitely a twisted world that we live it:) I agree that I did feel for the children more than anything. It seems to be that way today too because anything that you parents do or decisions that they make affect you until you are able to do anything about it. The whole story affected me because of the tragic fate of Oedipus' life but I wish we would of read more about the children.

  5. I would love to see a modernized version of this play. I also wondered how the story would play out today. I could see it playing out with some senator or mayor of some large city. It seems though we have too many ways to find out missing pieces of our lives these days for there to be any mystery.

    I also wondered what Sophocles was thinking when he wrote this. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the play and thought it was well-written but sheesh buddy, maybe save the crazy mommy daddy issues for something not shared with eternity!

  6. I agree Robby! This was definitely well-written but a little twisted. I too wonder what it would be like and what reaction it would cause if this ever happened in modern day. I've heard of women having a husband and then ending up with their father in-laws or vice-versa but never a son bedding his mother. Makes you wonder what was going on in Sophocles mind at the time. Thanks for reading my blog:)
